Over 10 years experience in filming
Over 2.5mil views of my videos

New Technologies
Gimbals, drones, 360 cameras - that's all part of my equipment
Color Grading
Making your video look professional!

Video effects
Advanced video effects
music editing & production
As a musician and music producer, I can easily edit or even remix any song to suit the video

Quick editing, various export possibilities (Instagram versions, Youtube versions, etc)

low on budget
send me a quote to find about prices - but you will see, that my prices aren't astronomical

why to get your performance promo made by me?
As a professional performer myself and having done many showreels for various productions, I have learnt what are the attributes of a good showreel. Despite following these guidelines I always try to express the soul of each project, and keep the video within its style – in terms of music, color grading, effects, choice of shots and the general ambience of the video.
Are you a fire performer, juggler, acrobat or a dancer? So am I. Have you ever had a bad experience with videographers who have never seen this artform in their life, therefore they didn’t know how to properly set their cameras to shoot fire or LED, or were you not happy with their pick of shots? In my style, I try to respect both sides – the quality of the moves & tricks in the video vs. the commercial use of it. Knowing both worlds is my strongest weapon.

look for a filmmaker with a sense of rhythm for a musical clip?
Musicality is absolutely necessary in order to create a good music clip. I believe that as a musician I have some advantage here. Every video is a fusion of my music and filmography skills – from choosing the right filming technique to capturing little details and nuances that make the video dance with the sound. Every song (and every genre) has a different flow which I try to express through the movie.
In addition, I can help to adjust any song to match the video project. I often end up remixing songs to achieve the perfect balance.

About me
My name is Vojta Stolbenko and I’m a filmmaker, musician and circus artist based in Prague, available worldwide. I’ve studied jazz conservatory in Prague, alongside self-learning the circus arts and film making. My first video projects started as soon as I had a computer, at the age of 13. In the following years, I’ve spent hundreds of hours learning about videography and created hundreds of videos for various people. Everything I do has a lot to do with music and movement. My style of filming and editing is a lot based movement, matching the music, depicting emotions and vibes and creating something I like to call “a video with soul”. With the combination of my musicality, knowledge of movement artforms and the technical knowledge of shooting and editing my most common video jobs are performance promos, dance / performance videos and music clips.
Amazing soundtracks
Vojta's videos are just brilliant, you will shit bricks from the pixels! On a serious note, Vojta is great work with as he always finishes the work in every detail. For videos for my company, he'd composed the soundtracks as he couldn't find any royalty free that would suit the project. His perfectionism, flexibility and enthusiasm is why we love to work with him!

Mikoláš Belec
Siesta Solution"Perfektní smysl pro detail"
Vojta Stolbenko má při natáčení perfektní smysl pro detail a skvělé rytmické cítění pro střih. Nebojí se pustit se i do atypických záběrů, které jdou natočit např. jen ze sedadla jednokolky či nízko letícího dronu. Paráda

Jan Vítů
Der Šenster Gob"Great fun and original ideas"
Filming a musical clip with Vojta was always professional and effective work and also very joyful experience. Sometimes it was even an adventure with many crazy ideas he had.

David Lomič
Tygroo"Perfektní technika"
Chtěli bychom moc poděkovat Vojtovi za profesionální přístup k natáčení, perfektní techniku, zkušené rady ke scénáři, a taky provedení akrobacie a fire show, to všechno posunulo natáčení videoklipu o několik tříd výš.

Jan Vítů
Working with Vojta was a pleasure from the start. His passionate attitude and skill honestly brought our video projects to the next level. He has a sharp eye for creative camera angles and movements, be it static, flowing or crazy high, and his sense for captivating and engaging editing is simply unparalleled. Some of the projects we worked on might have turned a rather bland and middle of the road, but Vojta always finds a way to make the edited video juicy, flowing and interesting. Give Vojta creative freedom and a good music track to start, and watch how nicely it will be all melded together under his supervision.

Karel Koubek
Lighttoys"Artistic Sensibility & Technical Prowess"
Vojta has filmed several of my company’s video shoots and saw production of the reel for our latest show all the way through post prod. As an ex Cirque du Soleil Artist & Director of a company which targets high-end events, I know that our promo videos need not only to represent the quality of our shows but to be of a unique quality themselves. Vojta possesses both the artistic sensibility & technical prowess to ensure a quality product. Furthermore, he is a great communicator & a joy to work with.

Srikanta Barefoot
Cirque du Soleil & Fusion Artsworth hiring
I generally edit our videos ourselves, but Vojta is one of the very few people worth hiring as he is able to understand what we need and make a video which is commercially usable, yet enjoyable to watch. As an artist himself, I don't know anyone who knows his job better.

Laury Chanty
SuperCho"Professional quality"
Pyrodanza is proud to have a promotional video created by the talented Vojta Stolbenko. He quickly made a polished professional quality video for us with exciting and tasteful cuts and editing.

Luis Wachong
Pyrodanza"Efficient and pleasant experience"
Vojta was very approachable and able to envision a complex project with me in a short period of time. He’s skillful, very professional, and easy to work with! Wish you were still here in Bali;)

Anna Bek
Anna Bek Yoga"Knows how to shoot it perfectly"
Many thanks to Vojta for work he did on our video. The resulting promovideo of our group T.E.T.R.I.S. fireshow turned out fantastically, Vojta was willing to follow our wishes and incorporate them into his final work. If you want to save a lot of time and worries, we recommend that you get advice from him. All you have to do is bring Vojta an idea and then just look forward to the result. For us as a fire performance group, it was an important fact that Vojta works with fire himself and knows how to shoot it perfectly. Finally, we praise the balanced combination of aerial and ground shots.

Matěj Čapek
Tetris Fireshow"Knows what I want better than I"
I have asked Vojta to make several promotional videos for my company, and I have been very impressed with every aspect of his work. As a musician he has a great sense of timing and rhythm, as a creative artist he manages to capture the essence of what is needed. He has all the latest tricks at his disposal and he uses all his talents to create excellent results. Very easy to work with, always ahead of deadlines, and seems to know what I want better than I do. I would definitely recommend Vojta for any creative video work to anyone thinking of hiring him.